Open-sourcing Handshake: OAuth made easy
A Next.js app that handles OAuth flows with 200+ APIs. Get you access tokens to your users' third-party accounts.
Felipe Aragão
Shopify webhooks: what they are and how to use them
How to create and listen for webhooks from Shopify.
Rafael Danilo
Founders, stop sleeping on Stripe
Why SaaS entrepreneurs should focus on the Stripe App Marketplace now.
Felipe Aragão
Product Update October '23
Connector speed improvements, API updates, and more
Fiber Team
Logs browser
Announcing a new log browser for Fiber syncs.
Felipe Aragão
A Guide for Pulling Customer and Order Data from Shopify
A TypeScript Developer's Guide to Customer and Order Data
Rafael Danilo
Amazon Selling Partner is GA
Announcing the general availability of the Amazon Seller connector.
Fiber Team
Custom frequencies
Shipping a much requested feature.
Felipe Aragão
Shopify collections in GA
Announcing the general availability of the Fiber Shopify connector.
Fiber Team
Launching on YC
Fiber is live on the YCombinator website. Visit our launch and give us a thumbs up! 👍
Felipe Aragão